Python, Linux, Docker, Selenium, Java, Devops
Today we'll focus on who really cares about statistics, and why so many people out there believes in them?
Blogging and DSP contest - Is this over? Today I will focus on how much things I've accomplished because of DSP contest and the outcome of Biking-Endorphines project. Check out what future holds :)
File Uploads using REST-API. Is this even needed ? Oh yes. Especially for in-coming Android Client! Check out my work on customising JSONParser from Django-Rest-Framework and making File-uploads possible via Rest-API!
Yesterday and today I've been working on Biking-Endorphines project. To accomplish at least some key-parts that are needed for web-page work, I've splitted bigger tasks into smaller ones. Check my work on Endorphine-Badges endpoint and what new bugs/features I've found while working on it!
I've messed up :( I have to give myself this bad credit of a bit giving up blog and competition :( But let's raise up! Check out my estimates and where is this going now!
Today I've started working on <a href="" rel="nofollow">User-API #22</a>, then found that not all elements are working correctly and... that tests for User-API-serializer are not working correctly. Check what also was wrong ! :) You might be surpriced !
Recently I've created User model that wasn't tdd-friendly. All about the time - ironic isn't it? To save time of figuring out how to make proper tdd-approach to django-models, I've created model without them. What a shame! Today I'm going to fix that :) Also the bmi-specific name will be done :) Check it out :)
Checkout what happened when I've made too much commits on the same files and how YOU TOO can merge a conflicted pull-requests!
Security - why should I care?Let's say that you will want to make your REST-API available for others to use it. Let's face it - you will need to restrict use of API based on users.If you don't do that, you may face the reality of having issues with your …
FancyBox Pelican PluginYes! It's a ready-to-use product :)So... how to use it ??FancyBox Plugin Installation!I will add a README information in github project, but for now let's go to specifics of HOW TO:Best is if you use release 1.0 version or code from master, in below …
Refreshed Look!I've decided that my blog needs a little bit refreshing and adding some cool stuff.So I've used knowledge from my previous project - <a href="" rel="nofollow">anselmos-pelican-blog</a> and used it well (at least I hope I did :) )You can compare how this blog looked like before change and after in this …
What can you use for API documentation?According to topic <a href="" rel="nofollow">Documenting your API at Django-Rest-Framework</a> you have following options to use as API documentation:1. Django REST Framework documentationThis is the most basic documentation that you can get "out of the box" - almost.The only dependency needed here is …
FancyBox Pelican Plugin - are you done already?The FancyBox is almost complete. Need to adjust some elements. But main functionality is almost complete.Down below are all functions that I've created:Replace function.Needed to create a replace function for replacing fancybox markdown element from article with a fancybox-type element …
What frameworks exists that supports REST-API within python ?1. <a href="" rel="nofollow">Django REST Framework</a>Quoting information from site:Some reasons you might want to use REST framework:- The Web browsable API is a huge usability win for your developers.- Authentication policies including packages for OAuth1a and OAuth2.- Serialization that supports both ORM …
Prerequisites1. REST API vs SOAP APISo you are here to know what are the difference between API webservices?Let's go with simple what are cons/pros of each solution!1.A REST API Pros and ConsPROS:<ul><li>Lower amount of data needed to deliver actual content<li>Available two …</ul></li></li>