Python, Linux, Docker, Selenium, Java, Devops
Have you noticed that recommendation for Managing Application Dependency at has been changed? Apparently our python community should use now Pipenv. But how to? Let's check out!
Today we are going to make a fullscreen screenshot at Selenium Hub using Firefox node. Check out how to fix the issue.
Today we are going to dive into Pelican, and it's plugins :) We are going to make a plugin that will transform only a link into an HTML link with a description consisting of the page title.
Do you have a blog, that lacks search engine that could find in content of your article where you wrote about this and that ? Let's check if Elasticsearch can help with it. Check out!
Elasticsearch is a great search engine, but using JSON and curl does not fit python. Fortunatelly there are two libraries that you can use - and in today's article I'll focus on that :) Check out!
Today I'm going to present you an ELK - Elasticsearch stack solution and how to start with it :) Checkout :)
Today let's focus on gathering results from Grammarly document checking in our mini-automation-project :)
There are no Grammarly applications that could deliver some type of integration with at least command-line. So let's make a selenium automation that will paste text into grammarly documents!
Today I've learned my lesson - I need to upgrade my python from 3.4.3 to 3.6.4 because simplenote python-api will not work with previous versions. Checkout my experience while upgrading :)
Did you ever wanted to deploy your own docker-image with only git-push ? Well I've got solution for you :) Check-it-out :)
Today a very short tutorial on how to update tmux at *nix. Why would you update your tmux ? Checkout.
Grip it! There are plenty of tools to make your .markdown or .md files in a html way- but is there a vim plugin that would make it more automated and integrated ? Let's answer this question, shall we ?
Using assert raise within tests is a tricky thing - So today I'll focus on how to properly use it :)
This time let's focus on something different than usually - Let's check what Zope Interface is all about :)
Today I present you a my own Colander Validators! This includes tests that uses those validators! Check them out!