The Goodies in Rails Event Store 2.x

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The Goodies in Rails Event Store 2.x

But… what is Rails Event Store and why would I use it? It’s a Ruby library to publish, consume and store events in your Rails application. Events are an architectural pattern that helps you decouple your code, record what’s happening inside your app, avoid the callback hell and many other kinds of hells. Most often, when you try this pattern, there’s no going back.

We’ve released 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0. High fives for Paweł, Mirek and Rafał for all the hard work. Some of the goodies inside:

  • Significantly reduced storage (no explicit “all” stream)
  • Filtering events by timestamp
  • Bi-temporal event sourcing support
  • Multiple database support
  • Listing event subscribers
  • Ruby 3.0 support (2.0.1 and 1.3.1)
  • Built-in event upcasting (2.1.0)
  • Ability to explicitly configure event type resolver (2.1.0)

Read on for details. Read the release notes for even more details, specifically for migration guide (2.0 requires DB migrations).

Significant storage performance improvement

No more explicit db record to indicate that the event belongs to the default stream all.

Before: every time you published an event, at least two db records were created:

  • one in event_store_events
  • one in event_store_events_in_streams – plus another one for every stream you append your event to.

After: unless you add your event to a specific stream, no record is added to event_store_events_in_streams.

(keep in mind that you still probably link all events to type and correlation streams)

Filtering by timestamp

A lot of users have asked for this. Let the code speak for itself:, 1, 1)).to_a

Support for Bi-Temporal event-sourcing

Now, your event can have two timestamps: regular timestamp and valid_at.

But why? Keyword: Bi-Temporal event sourcing. You can have one timestamp denote when the event was appended to the store, and the other when it should count as in-effect. Example: you have some kind of policy that is created at one day, but should only be valid at some point in the future.

You can query by either of the timestamps:"my-stream").as_at.to_a # ordered by time of appending (timestamp)"my-stream").as_of.to_a # ordered by validity time (valid_at)

Multiple databases support

Read more:

As a side-effect you can now pass AR model classes to be used by repository. Useful for example when for any reason you had to change default table names:

class MyEvent < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.table_name = 'event_store_events_res'

class MyEventInStream < ::ActiveRecord::Base
  self.primary_key = :id
  self.table_name = 'event_store_events_in_streams'
  belongs_to :event, primary_key: :event_id, class: MyEvent

repository = ->{ [MyEvent, MyEventInStream] }, serializer: YAML)

List all subscribers of an event

Client#subscribers_for(event_type) returns list of handlers subscribing for given event type. Useful in specs and diagnostics.

Ruby 3.0 support (2.0.1)

Speaks for itself. Also introduced in 1.3.1.

Built-in event upcasting support (2.1.0)

Upcasting is a technique you can use when you need to change an already published event. Read more here. Now RES helps you with that:

class Mapper < PipelineMapper
  def initialize(upcast_map: {})
  mapper: {
    'OldEventType' => lambda { |record|
        event_type: 'NewEventType',
        data:        ...,
        metadata:    record.metadata,
        timestamp:   record.timestamp,
        valid_at:    record.valid_at,
        event_id:    record.event_id
  repository: ...

Explicit event type resolver (2.1.0)

Some people prefer to explicilty define event type, to avoid having event type depend on class names, which may cause bugs on class name changes. This was already possible with:

class SomeEvent < MyEvent
  self.event_type = "some.event"

But the drawback was that you then needed to use SomeEvent.event_type wherever you’d normally use SomeEvent:

client.subscribe(lambda { |event| ... }, to: [SomeEvent.event_type])

Now, with this change you can avoid that. Configure the event type resolver:

client =
  subscriptions: ->(klass) { klass.event_type })

And now you can stick to the plain way:

client.subscribe(lambda { |event| ... }, to: [SomeEvent]) 

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