C#, .NET, T-SQL, Azure
Until recently I was into ASP.NET MVC because of it’s possibility to extending, modifying and doing pretty much whatever you want with it. And while I’ve got rather proficient in plugging stuff in it’s pipeline and/or doing custom stuff like routing, binding or results, it never changed one fact about MVC – it’s big, really big. And…
I’m building my Get Noticed project from the scratch. And since 3 months is actually a very short span of time, I need compromise between doing some things fast (boring ones) and doing other things in a way that will allow me to write about it and not be ashamed to show some code afterwards. That…
I’m building my Get Noticed project from the scratch. And since 3 months is actually a very short span of time, I need compromise between doing some things fast (boring ones) and doing other things in a way that will allow me to write about it and not be ashamed to show some code afterwards. That…
Since my project will be hosted on Azure App Services I want to ensure that every pushed commit will land in cloud environment and will be available outside of my local, dev machine. As close to it’s intended, production-like environment as possible. And with Azure App Services you can achieve basic continuous delivery without taking a…
Since my project will be hosted on Azure App Services I want to ensure that every pushed commit will land in cloud environment and will be available outside of my local, dev machine. As close to it’s intended, production-like environment as possible. And with Azure App Services you can achieve basic continuous delivery without taking a…
Exactly one year ago I’ve published first post on this blog. It was simple “Hello world” that were followed by some posts related to 2016 edition of Get Noticed contest and after that by some more or less technical related stuff. Since it’s first anniversary of this first, lame “Hello world” post I can’t just…
Exactly one year ago I’ve published first post on this blog. It was simple “Hello world” that were followed by some posts related to 2016 edition of Get Noticed contest and after that by some more or less technical related stuff. Since it’s first anniversary of this first, lame “Hello world” post I can’t just…
As you may already know I really, really like LINQ. One day I’ll probably join together all my posts about this incredible featureand release pretty neat compendium/one-oh-one about this great feature. But while I’m not sitting and joining every post from this blog that have word “LINQ” in it into one, big pile, let’s talk a bit about…
As you may already know I really, really like LINQ. One day I’ll probably join together all my posts about this incredible featureand release pretty neat compendium/one-oh-one about this great feature. But while I’m not sitting and joining every post from this blog that have word “LINQ” in it into one, big pile, let’s talk a bit about…
So I’ve got two big, uppercase acronyms in title. Kind of double catchprase and if you’re reading this, I’ve probably got your attention. And I hope to keep it so please, just don’t stop reading, at least for a while. But why would you even consider stopping reading post about REST and some kind of…
So I’ve got two big, uppercase acronyms in title. Kind of double catchprase and if you’re reading this, I’ve probably got your attention. And I hope to keep it so please, just don’t stop reading, at least for a while. But why would you even consider stopping reading post about REST and some kind of…
Aggregate is one of the most fun and powerful methods in LINQ. Sadly it’s also one of the most underused and “scary” ones. I hope that after reading this post you will understand Aggregate a bit more, know when to use it and won’t be afraid of doing so. So let’s have a look at MSDN.…
Aggregate is one of the most fun and powerful methods in LINQ. Sadly it’s also one of the most underused and “scary” ones. I hope that after reading this post you will understand Aggregate a bit more, know when to use it and won’t be afraid of doing so. So let’s have a look at MSDN.…
Some people can say 2016 was terrible year, for me it was one of the best, one of the most productive years as far as I remember. It was sort of game changer to me. So if you believe in balance in the universe, and last 12 month weren’t so good for you, you must think…
Some people can say 2016 was terrible year, for me it was one of the best, one of the most productive years as far as I remember. It was sort of game changer to me. So if you believe in balance in the universe, and last 12 month weren’t so good for you, you must think…
C#, .NET, T-SQL, Azure
Za dnia pracuję .NET Developer i Team Leader w firmie Elastic Cloud Solutions. Nocą walczę z głodem wiedzy i nudą jako entuzjasta chmury, bloger, prelegent i lider Białostockiej Grupy .NET.
Chwytam się wszystkiego co nowe i świeże o ile ograniczona ilość godzin w dobie mi na to pozwala, a czasem, by dać głowie odpocząć lubię sięgnąć po dobrą książkę lub komiks.