C#, .NET, T-SQL, Azure
One of the concepts of actor model that could be hard to grasp at the begining is fact that we will not operate on direct reference to actor instance. This can be a bit confusing before you’ll get used to it but by not using any direct references you’re sure to achieve very good level…
One of the concepts of actor model that could be hard to grasp at the begining is fact that we will not operate on direct reference to actor instance. This can be a bit confusing before you’ll get used to it but by not using any direct references you’re sure to achieve very good level…
Yesterday I’ve writen about dynamic data masking in Azure SQL (works with SQL Server 2016 too). It is very interesting and simple feature. But can we use it with our beloved Entity Framework? It’s strongly recommended to know some basics about dynamic data masking, so if you don’t know what it is or how to…
Yesterday I’ve writen about dynamic data masking in Azure SQL (works with SQL Server 2016 too). It is very interesting and simple feature. But can we use it with our beloved Entity Framework? It’s strongly recommended to know some basics about dynamic data masking, so if you don’t know what it is or how to…
Along with Get Noticed contest I’m a bit preoccupied with other activities. One of them is preparing to take 70-473 Exam (cloud and data related stuff). Since I’m reading and using cert related stuff I could as well write about it – I’ll probably remember everything I’ll write about for rest of my life (writing about…
Along with Get Noticed contest I’m a bit preoccupied with other activities. One of them is preparing to take 70-473 Exam (cloud and data related stuff). Since I’m reading and using cert related stuff I could as well write about it – I’ll probably remember everything I’ll write about for rest of my life (writing about…
Let’s take a closer look at our actors, how their life looks like, what exactly they’ve been doing and what they can do. As they are basic building block of applications built on actor model it’s crucial to understand and being able to communicate with them. Actor Types Most basic actors that we’ll build will…
Let’s take a closer look at our actors, how their life looks like, what exactly they’ve been doing and what they can do. As they are basic building block of applications built on actor model it’s crucial to understand and being able to communicate with them. Actor Types Most basic actors that we’ll build will…
In previous post I’ve explained briefly what actor model is and why it’s so fun. Today we’ll create our ActorSystem instance, learn what it is and send first messages to them. I hope it will be nice and easy start. Actor System Biggest being in akka.NET is instance of ActorSystem class. In terms of Hollywood actors…
In previous post I’ve explained briefly what actor model is and why it’s so fun. Today we’ll create our ActorSystem instance, learn what it is and send first messages to them. I hope it will be nice and easy start. Actor System Biggest being in akka.NET is instance of ActorSystem class. In terms of Hollywood actors…
Actor model concept fascinated me since I’ve heard about it for the first time. It’s been on my todo list ever since and Get Noticed 2017 is great opportunity to give it a try. That’s why there is an actor responsible for almost anything in Me2.0. But, what is an actor, actor model and are benefits…
Actor model concept fascinated me since I’ve heard about it for the first time. It’s been on my todo list ever since and Get Noticed 2017 is great opportunity to give it a try. That’s why there is an actor responsible for almost anything in Me2.0. But, what is an actor, actor model and are benefits…
I’ve seen many posts about generics in C# lately. And while they cover basics pretty well, most of them doesn’t contain information about constraints which are things that causing generics to be really fun. 101 Lets start with basics in case you’re not familiar with generics at all. When you think about generics in C#, one of…
I’ve seen many posts about generics in C# lately. And while they cover basics pretty well, most of them doesn’t contain information about constraints which are things that causing generics to be really fun. 101 Lets start with basics in case you’re not familiar with generics at all. When you think about generics in C#, one of…
Until recently I was into ASP.NET MVC because of it’s possibility to extending, modifying and doing pretty much whatever you want with it. And while I’ve got rather proficient in plugging stuff in it’s pipeline and/or doing custom stuff like routing, binding or results, it never changed one fact about MVC – it’s big, really big. And…
C#, .NET, T-SQL, Azure
Za dnia pracuję .NET Developer i Team Leader w firmie Elastic Cloud Solutions. Nocą walczę z głodem wiedzy i nudą jako entuzjasta chmury, bloger, prelegent i lider Białostockiej Grupy .NET.
Chwytam się wszystkiego co nowe i świeże o ile ograniczona ilość godzin w dobie mi na to pozwala, a czasem, by dać głowie odpocząć lubię sięgnąć po dobrą książkę lub komiks.