C#, .NET, T-SQL, Azure
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts about Akka.NET, everything that actor knows is stored in memory. While we can skip any database or IO related bottlenecks because things in memory are generally speaking very fast, we must remember that memory is not a place where you can store your data for an extended period of time…
In one of my posts about Akka.NET I’ve covered actor selections and paths. Sadly I’ve skipped one rather important part regarding allowed characters for actor paths and what to do if our name cannot be used for creating an actor. And recently I’ve received a question about why I’m creating actors using encoded string. This…
In one of my posts about Akka.NET I’ve covered actor selections and paths. Sadly I’ve skipped one rather important part regarding allowed characters for actor paths and what to do if our name cannot be used for creating an actor. And recently I’ve received a question about why I’m creating actors using encoded string. This…
Microsoft Flow is a service I’ve been working with for some time and poking it to discover some of its possibilities. Basically, it’s service that allows to create and manage workflows from ready to use blocks representing triggers and actions. Because we don’t need to manage any servers, host anything or even write code (except for…
Microsoft Flow is a service I’ve been working with for some time and poking it to discover some of its possibilities. Basically, it’s service that allows to create and manage workflows from ready to use blocks representing triggers and actions. Because we don’t need to manage any servers, host anything or even write code (except for…
How many times have you stored something in key/value collection? Most probably it was Dictionary or some kind of implementation of IEnumerable >. More than a few times I wanted to store more than one value under single key, most common solution for this situation is Dictionary with collection of some kind as value type,…
How many times have you stored something in key/value collection? Most probably it was Dictionary or some kind of implementation of IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>. More than a few times I wanted to store more than one value under single key, most common solution for this situation is Dictionary with collection of some kind as value type,…
Lately I’ve seen some posts about authentication made easy and simple with various packages and how it’s great we doesn’t haven’t to store logins and passwords in our databases anymore due to global availability of social identity providers. It’s true that making simple authentication with of of those providers is simple today. And in Azure…
Lately I’ve seen some posts about authentication made easy and simple with various packages and how it’s great we doesn’t haven’t to store logins and passwords in our databases anymore due to global availability of social identity providers. It’s true that making simple authentication with of of those providers is simple today. And in Azure…
As you’ve probably seen in previous posts about Akka.NET, actor model is no rocket science and is really easy and fun to start with. However entire actor model may seem like closed and hermetic ecosystem, today I’ll show you how to poke actors in way that’ll make them poke back. As for now almost entire logic…
As you’ve probably seen in previous posts about Akka.NET, actor model is no rocket science and is really easy and fun to start with. However entire actor model may seem like closed and hermetic ecosystem, today I’ll show you how to poke actors in way that’ll make them poke back. As for now almost entire logic…
Entity Framework (and other ORMs) are in general great pieces of software that makes developers lives so much easier by letting us thinking about objects when we’re working with data persisted in some underlying database. This makes development much easier than writing raw SQL queries. But some of us tend to get too comfy and…
Entity Framework (and other ORMs) are in general great pieces of software that makes developers lives so much easier by letting us thinking about objects when we’re working with data persisted in some underlying database. This makes development much easier than writing raw SQL queries. But some of us tend to get too comfy and…
First of three months in Get Noticed contest just passed. Some code were written, and some posts have been too. Let’s wrap this month up quickly and see what I’ve got for the foreseeable future. If you don’t know what’s Me 2.0 and/or Get Noticed contest is about just head to this post. Things got done…
First of three months in Get Noticed contest just passed. Some code were written, and some posts have been too. Let’s wrap this month up quickly and see what I’ve got for the foreseeable future. If you don’t know what’s Me 2.0 and/or Get Noticed contest is about just head to this post. Things got done…
C#, .NET, T-SQL, Azure
Za dnia pracuję .NET Developer i Team Leader w firmie Elastic Cloud Solutions. Nocą walczę z głodem wiedzy i nudą jako entuzjasta chmury, bloger, prelegent i lider Białostockiej Grupy .NET.
Chwytam się wszystkiego co nowe i świeże o ile ograniczona ilość godzin w dobie mi na to pozwala, a czasem, by dać głowie odpocząć lubię sięgnąć po dobrą książkę lub komiks.