I like to make my life easier. If I can automate a process, I’d love to do it. It is no different in programming. Today I would like to show you how to automate dependency registration in DI container.
Today I encountered an interesting case. I got a report that “something changes the date format while processing data”. I started debugging our distributed system looking for the source of the problem. It took me a while, so I’d like to share this story today, so you don’t have to waste your time.
Extending classes with new methods is a pretty useful feature of object-oriented programming languages. However, implementation of extension methods can be more or less simple and elegant. Today I would like to compare implementation of extension methods in C# and Ruby.
Loose thoughts on Ruby programming language by a .NET developer.
Mikołaj Kamiński
.NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, C#
I am a Software Engineer with strong experience in .NET technology stack. Especially I am interested in software architecture, art of clean coding, software craftsmanship and security. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others.
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